tired, weary heart ·
where are you truly living from - your head or your heart?
this is a question i posed in a recent breathing space class
for it is one i've been remembering to self inquiry
as part of my own daily practice.
even immersed in the vibrant, lighthearted,
go-with-the-flow culture of this sweet mexican town,
i have been living deeply within the confines
of my mind these past few weeks -
haven't you heard the saying
"wherever you go, there you are?"
my mind has been entangling me in stories rooted
in fears and doubts and unknowings -
as it will do.
we often forget the mind's main desire
is to constantly serve -
to protect us. to figure things out. to help us survive.
it literally makes us think that we have the ability to think
our way out of anything. but the more i thought,
the more bound i became by perceived limitations
until i couldn't take it anymore.
then i realized in the swirl of it all,
i was forgetting a quieter, softer piece of me -
my heart.
tenderly beating, patiently waiting.
tired and weary from being muffled
by the mind's constant ruminations.
yet always there, ready to carry me through.
it wasn't until i paused long enough to remember
that it was okay to feel this one out
as i allowed the weight i've been attempting to hold up high
release through tears, movement and breath on my mat.
i had forgotten - there is another way.
this way of the heart.
this way of grace and compassion and steadiness.
this way of guidance from deep from within.
like a soft whisper reminding me to be more gentle
with myself as i wade through it all.
for when you get still enough to fully listen,
the heart will always welcome you back.
for those moments when you too might forget,
i've made a short meditation for your tired, weary heart from mine.
this is the practice always.
to return again and again in remembrance
and embodiment of our truths.
may you be drawn back towards the direction
of your heart-centered self when the mind tries
to convince you otherwise.
grab your headphones, drop in and receive.
from my heart to yours,