for the hurried soul ·

what are you rushing towards?

we all started to hear the rumblings of desired changes,
begin agains and resolves way before the new year even turned -
and even now, i sometimes feel the hurried energy linger. 
and while i truly believe in the power of intention and the time -
held rituals that offer us collective new beginnings, i can't help
but wonder - if this one present moment, and the miracle of all
that you already are isn’t enough, then what ever will be?

one of my teachers recently denoted the root differences
of the words want (stemming from something we lack)
and desire (meaning to be pulled from the stars, a deeper piece
of who we are). so this year, i desire to reclaim my unrushed soul.
i desire to remember what it feels like to move slowly and softly
through this world. i desire to steadily stoke the fires of purpose
and action led from deeper truth instead of running on empty fumes.
i desire to engage more fully with the wide realm of possibilities
of life from embodied being. i desire to abide by the rhythms of
the short winter days we still wade in - calling me back into stillness,
to hibernate just a little longer, to trust in the unfolding arriving soon.

for when we dash forward hastily into the future,
we miss what’s real right now. we miss the story being
told in this moment. we miss the opportunity to listen for 
the call of who we are, and what we truly desire,
what we truly need, what we can truly offer.

i often ask my students - do you want your yoga practice
to mirror the fast-paced swirl of the world around you
or do you want it to remind you of another way? 

let's do just that, together. here is a short meditation 
(my first ever one for insight timer!) for the moments when
life pushes and pulls to remind you of your unrushed soul 
beneath the noise. may it serve you well in these 
soul steady winter days ahead.

from my heart to yours, 


tired, weary heart ·