this space is for the seekers ·
let’s discover your own unique 
unusual path to freedom from within

chill yoga · energy healing · poetic rememberings

you arrived here in knowing that there is another way to be in this world

· let’s begin wherever you are ·

freedom for the self · yoga & reiki
welcome to the essence of you ·
chill yoga offerings and energy healing to guide you back towards the you that you are beneath the noise

freedom for the heart · mentorship
for the yoga teachers with a dream ·
your gifts deserve to be shared with the world in confidence, trust and deeper knowing from within

freedom for the soul · poetry
a soft space to land in remembering ·
words to steep in slowly as you touch back into the beautiful, messy essence of why you are here

the freedom you search for is held within your very being ·

you have sought it outwardly for years,
in work, in others, in places - 
only to find your heart has grown tired and weary.
your mind on overdrive.
your body worn.

you already know the way back.
let’s reconnect with your own inner resources
and remember ·
one breath. one movement.
one moment at a time.

how would it feel to live unusuallyfree?

to live unusuallyfree isn’t an escape from who and where you are - 

❊ it’s your return to a steadier, easeful rhythm guided by your inner truth. 
❊ it’s your awareness, understanding and acceptance of all that is you.
❊ it’s your recommitment to leading from a deeper knowingness within.
❊ it’s your resiliency nurtured as you steep in the ebbs and flows of life.
❊ it’s your unique, unusual path to freedom from within.

let’s find yours together.

loren clifford yoga

it’s beautiful to have you here ·
i’m loren, 500 hour yoga teacher and lover of words

i believe that you already know all that you seek. it’s woven within your very being since the day you arrived here. but somewhere along the way, you began to look beyond yourself. somewhere along the way, you’ve forgotten.

i know this, because i too once forgot that there is another way of being in this world. that my beating heart whispers guidance only meant for me. that the rhythms of inhales and exhales, and fibers of my being hold wisdom. that intimately understanding our beautiful, messy humanness is a gift.

i forgot to the point that living out of alignment with my truth manifested physically and mentally until i was forced to pause a life i once knew, and begin to live a different way. all with the practice of yoga, energy healing and an unwavering knowing in something more as my guiding light. 

and i knew i wasn’t alone. which is why when the call to help others tap into their own innate resources grew stronger,
i had no choice but to answer.

heartfelt words from clients ·

  • "Lo's classes give each and every person and body type a chance to feel welcomed and appreciated. From beginning to end, nothing short of peace and serenity surrounds the atmosphere. If you are like me, unsure about what the practice of yoga will bring to your life, exploring Lo's classes will make a believer out of you. She is a kind soul and will always ensure that every BODY has a place in and outside of her classes."

    jasmine r ·

  • "lo's calm voice soothes and stills the sometimes very loud and noisy outer world as well as inner world, allowing students (including myself) to find more space for quieting the busy mind, relaxing the body, taking deeper inhales and longer exhales, and restoring harmony in the subtle / energetic body. lo consistently provides a safe, supportive space for students to land in and be present in body, mind, and breath allowing opportunity for accessing the deeper layers of themselves with a sense of curiosity, exploration, and discovery."

    karen m ·

  • “My yoga experience with Lo was absolutely transformational. Lo brought me the love I have for yoga today. I was lucky enough to have private sessions with her on a retreat, just for me! I learned how relaxing, nurturing, and truly restorative yoga could be. Opening my heart and soul for deep healing to occur. I felt such beauty in the practice, so at peace, delicate and strong all in one. I came home to myself that week."

    nina p ·

from my heart to yours - blog